Welcome to Bellevue Christian Church
We're so glad that you found your way to our website. We'd like to extend you the warmest greetings on behalf of all of us at BCC. We have been praying for you. You're not here by accident, but by divine appointment. Whether you are exploring who God is, or you know Him well or you're just seeking to re-connect with Him today, you've come to the right place.
If you have any questions, need prayer, or would like more information on the church, please fill out our Connection Card. We look forward to coming alongside you as we continue in our spiritual journey.
Blessings, Pastor Danesh
Our Priorities
Life Changing
Through life changing weekend worship services, where we acknowledge the life-giving power of the good news of Jesus Christ with heartfelt worship and study of the Word of God
Reaching Kids & Students
We are committed to helping every young child, pre-teen, teenager, and young adult to hear about Jesus, and His love for them, and experience a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Real Relationships
Following Jesus’ command to love God, and love our neighbor, we are committed to building rich and genuine relationships with one another, and maturing in our attitudes and actions as we learn to be more like Jesus.
Loving Our Community
We want to be like Jesus. We want to show His love to the community; therefore, we want to do everything we can to love our community through community outreach and giving opportunities.