Pastor Danesh's Blog
Hi, I'm Pastor Danesh Manik and this is my blog. You'll want to check back and see my latest post every week. It's going to be good.
"Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3.18
JUL 10
Come To Me
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-30
The distinctive characteristic of the Bible is its emphasis on invitation. All of the Bible is primarily an invitation. The highlights are less its comprehensive commands, and more its incredible invitations. It is an invitation to be counted as the redeemed, an invitation from heaven to earthly beings, of glory to the corruptible flesh. Of the invitations, here is the one that is universally appealing – “Come to Me all
you who are weary and burdened” - an invitation to rest for the weary soul.
A weary soul is a miserable thing. It is an experience all know of but none can quite describe it. It is an invitation that at once shines in its simplicity as it astounds us with its audacity.
“Come to Me!” It shines in its simplicity. Jesus does not demand hardworking toil, intellectual gymnastics or our unending contemplation. All Jesus yearns for is our attention. It does not list qualifications to be achieved, attitudes to be attained, or works to be accomplished. It is liberating. It is a simple invitation to come. It simply requires a willingness to answer the invitation. A little child understands what it means to come.
It also stuns us with its audacity. Who can claim to give rest to our souls? Who can understand the depth of our hearts? It would be quite bold and unbelievable if it was not for the Person doing the inviting. With a confidence that can be only possessed by the One who has created the soul is this invitation to assuage it. It is only a Sovereign God who can promise to have a cure for weary souls.
Are you soul weary? Slumber can revitalize the weariness of your body, but soul weariness can be only be relieved by the One who knows you and knows your thoughts, your successes, your failings. And the answer is a simple invitation. “Come to Me” is the echo of divine desire. Ever since the beginning God’s call has been Come to Me! To those who thirst, he says “Come to me and drink from the living waters.” To a bunch of fishermen He says, “Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” To sinners he pleads “Come, Now let us reason together Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” To the hungry he cries out “I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” To the faithful he says “Come and share the Master’s happiness.” To the rich man looking for eternal life, he says “Sell your possessions and Come follow me!” To the dying he says “Give ear and come to me so that your soul may live”. To those rejected he says “Come, Whoever comes to me I will not cast away.” To the redeemed He says “Come to the wedding banquet. Enter into my rest.”
The Bible ends with this call to come. And at the end of history, we are told “The Spirit says come! The Bride says Come! Let him who athirst come. Whosoever will let him come.” And no one who has come to Christ has been sorry.
Friend, if you are you weary and burdened, will you come to Christ?